Old Oak and Park Royal Great Place Scheme

Old Oak and Park Royal Great Place SchemeAn ambitious and community-focused three-year programme which will uncover, connect and showcase the culture, creativity and heritage of Park Royal and help shape the future of Old Oak, one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects.

We are working as the lead creative partner for the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC), developing and delivering a three-year programme of activities, events and projects co-created with local people, businesses and organisations to ensure that the art, culture and heritage of the area is celebrated, which we started in 2018.

The programme includes annual arts commissions, artist residencies, a schools engagement programme, community-led research and a small grants programme.

This activity and focus will help celebrate the successes of the London’s largest industrial area and will ensure local residents and businesses play an authentic role in shaping the future regeneration. As the UK’s most productive  and vibrant industrial park, we are looking forward to working with the local communities in and around Park Royal, and Old Oak.

The Great Place Scheme is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund